Thursday, December 6, 2007

How do you know if you have nail fungus?

Symptoms of nail fungus - do you need a cure for nail fungus?

These are signs to watch out for if you are concerned about nail fungus

  • 1st sign is a white or yellow spot on nail that spreads
  • Nails become thicker
  • Nails become brittle
  • Crumbly or ragged edges
  • Dull looking (with no shine)
  • Whiteish buildup under the nail(maybe bits of skin and nail)
  • Can change color and darken
  • Separation from nail bed (in severe cases)
  • Bad smelling
  • Pain caused when separation occurs
With nail fungus you should be right on top of it when you first notice it. It is much easier to treat in the earlier stages - and you will have more success. Waiting only allows the infection to take hold and become advanced. Nail fungus may take months, even up to a year to totally clear up. Part of the problem is that your nails provide a barrier, which is helpful at keeping an infection out. However, once you do have fungus your nails provides a safe, dark place for infection to grow. Fungus likes damp, dark places.

Click Here - detailed information on how to beat nail fungus once and for all!

9 Causes of Nail Fungus

Of course if you suffer from nail fungus (known as onychomycosis) you will want to cure your fungus. It's also important to understand the causes.

Toenail infections are more common than fingernail infections. More men than women have fingernail infections. Conversely, more women have toenail infections. Older people are more commonly infected than younger people - with almost no children getting nail infections by fungus. Fungi live in damp, dark conditions.

  1. Many people contract it by going barefoot in public places like gyms, locker rooms (and shower stalls) and swimming pools. It is contagious.
  2. Inadequate drying of hands and feet - particularly between toes encourages the moist conditions that nail fungus thrives in.
  3. Perspiration is another way to get nail fungus - especially in the toenails. Those that work in humid, moist conditions are at risk.
  4. Wearing cotton or wool socks don't absorb sweat well and are not the best choice if you want to avoid the fungus.
  5. Also, tight, heavy, or closed toe shoes may cause your feet to perspire more and open then up for fungus infections.
  6. Nail polish and acrylic nails may promote nail fungus. Acrylic nails cause some damage to your own nails which weaken them and make them more open to infection. Nail polish can contribute to dark, moist conditions.
  7. Nail biting is definitely a problem. You cause small injuries to your fingers which make the cuticle weak and open to fungi. Your cuticles are designed to protect your nail and need to be taken care of.
  8. By using other people's nail tools that have not been properly sterilized.
  9. People with diabetes have circulation problems and those with immune system disorders are more vulnerable to infections and need to watch out for nail fungus problem.
Nail fungus can be considered a serious problem with over 30 million Americans alone diagnosed with the disease.

Completely natural and healthy cure for nail fungus here!

Prevention of Nail Fungus

There are quite a few effective preventative measures you can take to avoid contracting nail fungus. Let's take a look at them:

  • Keep you nails short and cut them straight across
  • Wear rubber gloves to keep your hands dry
  • When getting a manicure or pedicure, make sure the tools are sterilized
  • Do not wear artificial nails or nail polish if you have any concerns
  • Wear shoes to protect your feet in public shower stalls, pools, etc.
  • Dry your feet thoroughly - especially between your toes
  • Wear socks of synthetic materials that absorb sweat (not cotton or wool)
  • Change socks daily (or more often if your feet sweat)
  • Wear open toed shoes (or ones that let air circulate)
  • Take your shoes off periodically during the day
  • Put antifungal spray or powder on your feet and shoes
  • Do not share emery boards, nail files and the like
  • Do not pick at the skin around your nails
  • Absolutely no biting your nails!
  • Use good hygiene to keep your nails clean
By using these commonsense guidelines you have a good chance of avoiding getting nail fungus. Do remember however, if you think your nails might be infected, seek treatment early.

Click Here to learn more about nail fungus and how to get rid of it!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Home Remedies for Curing Nail Fungus

There are some everyday products you can try that have various reports of effectiveness. Here’s a list of some of the treatments that people have tried to varying degrees of success.

· Vinegar and warm water soak. Especially apple cider vinegar is claimed to help deter growth of bacteria. Use one part vinegar to parts warm water. Soak for 15-20 minutes.

· Vick’s Vaporub – applied after you rub a file over your nails (different opinions on how often to use).

· Listerine – applied undiluted – known for it’s antiseptic qualities.

· Tea tree oil – soak a cotton ball and dab on infected areas.

· Olive leaf extract – is an antifungal agent.

· Changing your diet to include more probiotics – for good bacteria.

You can see there are various natural and home remedies to try. There are also various topical treatments available. It would be a good idea to look into and even try some of the self-care treatments in order to avoid the problematic prescription medicines available. Just remember that there really isn’t a “quick cure” – especially if you have an advanced stage of nail fungus. To totally cure your nail fungus may take many months. You should be encouraged when you notice a positive response. Remember also that nails grow slowly.

Detailed information on nail fungus cures can be found here.